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By stimulating the body’s own biochemical reactions, acupuncture can help relieve issues that western therapies struggle to address.


Brought into the main stream by athletes likes Michael Phelps, cupping therapy has been effectively used for ages as a treatment for sore muscles.

Herbal Medicine:

Absent the harsh effects of pharmaceuticals, herbal medicine is a great addition to one’s healthcare regimen. The right formula can bring safe, gentle and effective relief.

Facial Rejuvenation:

Micro-damage to the face stimulates natural release of collagen to help knit wrinkles. Increased blood flow brightens the complexion. Effects like Botox, no chemicals.

Acupuncture Injection:

Supplement treatments with homeopathic solutions, made from trace elements of organic ingredients. AIT has been used for everything from Bell’s Palsy to stubborn joint pain.


…And More:

Health is a measure of the whole, that’s why healthcare doesn’t stop at the treatment room. Lifestyle and dietary advise will help get you back on track, faster.